Can you Bug Proof Your Home?

Can you Bug Proof Your Home

The short answer to the question, “Can I bug proof my home?” is, no. At least not 100% bug proof. Keeping bugs out completely is not possible. Insects, and their families are living in our homes, whether we realize it or not.

Scientists did a study in North Carolina that backs up this theory. They examined 50 homes in the state and found bugs in every single one of them. In fact, all but five of the 554 rooms in the homes had unwanted guests. Another research group of 400 people found an average of 93 different species of bugs per home, and more than 10,000 total bugs. The common myth of older homes being more prone to bugs was dispelled by this research group. which featured homes from 7 to 100 years old.

Most of the bugs in our homes are completely harmless to our family. 98% of the research group houses contained brooklice, which is a common, unseen insect. But all of the homes contained common pests like flies, ants, spiders, and beetles.

Most of what is found in our homes are so tiny, you wouldn’t notice them even if you spent all day trying. However there are pests that can multiply, and do damage to everything from our clothes to the foundation of the home. The best thing you can do to keep the dangerous bugs out of your home is to secure the home. Make sure the bugs from the outside can’t come inside. Even the tiniest crack in a window or in the foundation can led in a number of unwanted pests invading your home. Keep the house clean, especially in the spring, by removing crumbs from floors. Store food in tight containers.

You can also do your part by keeping water out of your home. Water is a breeding ground for insects (especially mosquitoes), so don’t let wet dishes pile up in the sink. Consider a humidifier for attics, basements, or other rooms that have a lot of moisture.

Keeping bugs out of your home completely is a futile effort. But there are things you can do to keep the biggest insect problems away from your home. If you’re struggling with a lot of unwanted guests, we’re here to help! Contact us for a free consolation today!

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